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Polished Crystals

Palm Stones - Pocket sized crystals for healing.

Seraphinite Palm Stone

Seraphinite Palm Stone
Seraphinite Palm Stone

Seraphinite Palm Stone


Connect with Angelic Energy with Seraphinite

Seraphinite, a rare and mesmerizing crystal from Russia, is named after the Seraphim angels and is celebrated for its striking chatoyancy, which resembles angel wings. This crystal is an excellent tool for higher chakra work, making it ideal for meditation, spiritual connection, and dreamwork.

As a heart chakra crystal, Seraphinite is associated with nurturing and healing, offering support for emotional balance and heart-centered energy.

Each polished palm stone measures approximately 1.6 inches and weighs between 16 to 18 grams.

Perfect For:

  • Higher chakra work and spiritual connection

  • Meditation and dreamwork

  • Heart chakra healing and nurturing energy

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